Friday, October 26, 2012

Winterize? It’s Time to Think About It.

Winterization is something every home owner needs to consider.  Getting your home ready for winter is important no matter where you live.  Whether you need to prepare for heavy rains and wind storms, freezing temperatures or snow. Now is the time to prepare.  Keeping your home safe and comfortable for your family is made easier by paying attention to key features that are susceptible to winter weather changes. When the storms and foul weather of winter arrive, you’ll want to know your home is prepped to meet any challenge. Winterizing will prevent problems and improve efficiency, saving you time and money all season long.

There are specific areas of your home you need to look at
Exterior: Check your gutters, siding, roof and chimney. Clean your gutters, check your siding and roof for obvious areas of repair and have your chimney cleaned by a professional.

Plumbing: Check your outdoor spigots and pipes. Make sure they are insulated properly.

Drafts: Check your seals around doors and windows. Replace any that are worn to prevent air leakage and an increase in heating cost.

HVAC: Check your filters, and change your batteries in your smoke and CO2  detectors. 

Also remember to schedule a tune-up.  Your heating system is much like a requires service!

 In fact, if you haven’t been doing regular maintenance and cleaning on your homes heating system, it could be consuming more energy and adding to your utility bills. Not to mention, it may be causing costly damage to your system that can result in a complete failure. A little prevention now could save you thousands of dollars later. Give us a call to schedule a Fall System Tune-up Today!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Importance of Clean Air

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ranks indoor air pollution among the top five environmental dangers to the public and identifies it as one of the leading health risks today. The EPA estimated that pollution levels indoors could be two to five times higher than the pollution levels outdoors. And on occasion, indoor air can be as much as 100 times more polluted.

Research studies have found that more people today feel less healthy than at any other time. Also, more people suffer from asthma, allergies, and other respiratory diseases than ever before. Why? Because people over that last the 30 to 40 years have been breathing an increasing amount of damaging particles while indoors.

Standard air cleaners have filters that are very dense.  They stop the dust by trapping it in a slightly porous filter. The fewer the pores the more dust it can trap. However, this not only stops the dust and dirt, but it also stops the air from moving as well. So you may not be as comfortable, and less air is cleaned efficiently. Our air cleaners are highly efficient units that provide maximum clean air in your home.